Saturday, July 31, 2010


today, mom and i:

met my friend matt at the train station and had a delightful brunch with matt and his mom in greektown at meli;


went to wicker park and stumbled upon a street festival for hipsters (and their hipster children);
found a new favorite used bookstore;     perused a vintage flea market;

and went to millennium park to hear the grant park orchestra play mexican classical music

(and also to see the giant bean).


  1. Rachel! Keep those photos coming! Your trip is delighting me; I especially love the used bookstore and brunch photos. I'm thinking about you A LOT! So glad we connected at the very beginning of your trip. Send love to your mom, too! --Kabi

  2. That vintage store looks awesome! Did you get something in mustard??? Also, I didn't there was such a thing as orchestral Mexican classical music (I think I'm racist?).
